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The Power of Creativity

Creativity contains a tremendous amount of power.

Power to change the world around us, the people around, the companies around us.

But how? Here are the first five ways ( the next five will come next week) it changes our life and those we come in contact with:

Without Creativity, we have no Innovation
I doubt anyone can argue that we live in an age of rapidly advancing innovation. It has fueled the Telsa car and truck, advancements sport medicine, and creative avenues of story delivery. Without the creative spark, you wouldn’t be reading this email.

Creativity fosters personal development
Engaging in creative activities helps in a variety of ways. We develop new skills, broaden our horizons, and learn about ourselves. Why? It requires us to use our brains in new and different ways, promoting growth and learning.

Creativity promotes mental and emotional well-being
“Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase feelings of accomplishment and self-esteem. Creativity can be a form of self-expression that can help us to process and cope with our emotions, whilst also providing a sense of purpose and meaning – which can be important for our overall health.”1

Creativity helps us to communicate and connect with others
Look at the amount of tools mankind has created to communicate across vast distances. Not more than 100 years ago, the idea of instantly messaging someone in Bahrain from Scottsdale, Arizona was impossible. Not anymore. Creativity drove Telegram, What’sApp, and, yes, even the vanilla looking email you send.

Social and cultural developments are driven by creativity
“Creativity has played a vital role in the development of societies and cultures throughout history and continues to do so today. From the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet and worldwide web; creative ideas have had a profound impact on the way we live and interact with the world.” 1
All right. Take it in. And I’ll see you next week.


Christopher F. Dalton

Christopher F. Dalton is a writer, author, illustrator, small business owner, but more than that he is a follower of Christ, a husband, a father of three stellar sons, and friend in need. He and his wife run Huck&Dorothy, an entertainment company.

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