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Everyone needs someone to motivate them to create. Here are three that motivate me to create clean graphics for our decks.

Sometimes, words don’t need to be spoken. So most of this article will be simply artists that inspire and motivate me to be a better illustrator and creator.

Who knows, maybe they will inspire you as well.

1. VC Johnson

One of the OG illustrators of the skate world, VC Johnson’s work pushes anyone with two eyes to do better.

2. Jim Philips

The other OG of skate illustrators, Jim Phillips’s work is timeless, challenging, and, well, dope. (Especially the Jason Jesse decks.)

3. Billy Bragg

An illustrator of the highest caliber, Billy Bragg’s minimalist art is powerful, emotive and something I aspire towards.

Christopher F. Dalton

Christopher F. Dalton is a writer, author, illustrator, small business owner, but more than that he is a follower of Christ, a husband, a father of three stellar sons, and friend in need. He and his wife run Huck&Dorothy, an entertainment company.

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